Deca Durabolin is formulated as a 50mg/ml solution. The drug contains the main active ingredient Nandrolone, which belongs to the group of long-acting anabolic steroids. This is a group of synthetic compounds chemically related totestosteronebut has more anabolic effects and less androgenic effects. However, when using the drug, you must always pay attention to the androgenic effects of the drug. The higher the dose of Deca Durabolin and the longer the treatment period, the more likely it is to cause masculinizing effects.
Additionally, Nandrolone has been shown to increase calcium metabolism in patients, as manifested by increasedurinary calcium. An increase in bone mass has been observed in postmenopausal patients with clinically evident osteoporosis during treatment with Deca Durabolin. In addition, Deca Durabolin has a nitrogen-retaining effect, affecting protein metabolism. At high doses, Deca Durabolin has a stimulating effect on the bone marrow, leading to increased erythropoiesis.
Alexander tha great –
Deca was the best investment I ever made
Rick Garcia –
I received my vile in the US. Can’t wait to report the results.